This room is on a property across the road from our hotel and guests enjoy all the facilities at The Langholm, including use of parking area, breakfast, dinner and use of the NightCap Bar.
N$1650 (1 person) N$1900 (2 persons)
This room is on a property across the road from our hotel and guests enjoy all the facilities at The Langholm, including use of parking area, breakfast, dinner and use of the NightCap Bar.
N$1650 (1 person) N$1900 (2 persons)
This room is on a property across the road from our hotel and guests enjoy all the facilities at The Langholm, including use of parking area, breakfast, dinner and use of the NightCap Bar.
N$1650 (1 person) N$1900 (2 persons)
This room is on a property across the road from our hotel and guests enjoy all the facilities at The Langholm, including use of parking area, breakfast, dinner and use of the NightCap Bar.
N$1650 (1 person) N$1900 (2 persons)